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Edition Information
易經 \ Yi Jing (I Ching) \ The Book of Changes
論語 \ Lun Yu \ The Analects of Confucius
孟子 \ Mengzi (Mencius) \ The Works of Mengzi
禮記 \ Liji \ The Book of Rites
孝經 \ Xiao Jing \ The Classic of Filial Piety
墨子 \ Mozi (Mo-tzu) \ The Works of Mozi
道德經 \ Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) \ The Classic of the Way and its Virtue
莊子 \ Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) \ The Works of Zhuangzi
韓非子 \ Hanfeizi \ The Works of Han Feizi
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table of contents
preface by the translator
methodological introduction by the translator
the biography of han fei tzŭ by ssŭ-ma ch`ien
preface to "the complete works of han fei tzŭ with collected commentaries"
foreword to "the complete works of han fei tzŭ with collected commentaries"
the complete works of han fei tzŭ with collected commentaries
孫子兵法 \ Sunzi Bingfa (Sun-tzu) \ The Art of War
past masters commons
Annotation Guide:
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Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
韓非子 \ Hanfeizi \ The Works of Han Feizi
Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
韓非子 \ Hanfeizi \ The Works of Han Feizi
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