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易經 \ Yi Jing (I Ching) \ The Book of Changes
論語 \ Lun Yu \ The Analects of Confucius
孟子 \ Mengzi (Mencius) \ The Works of Mengzi
禮記 \ Liji \ The Book of Rites
孝經 \ Xiao Jing \ The Classic of Filial Piety
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孝經 \ xiao jing \ the classic of filial piety
《開宗明義 \ the scope and meaning of the treatise》
《天子 \ filial piety in the son of heaven》
《諸侯 \ filial piety in the princes of states》
《卿大夫 \ filial piety in high ministers and great officers》
《士 \ filial piety in inferior officers》
《庶人 \ filial piety in the common people》
《三才 \ filial piety in relation to the three powers》
《孝治 \ filial piety in government》
《聖治 \ the government of the sages》
《紀孝行 \ an orderly description of the acts of filial piety》
《五刑 \ filial piety in relation to the five punishments》
《廣要道 \ amplification of "the all-embracing rule of conduct" in chapter i》
《廣至德 \ amplification of 'the perfect virtue' in chapter i》
《廣揚名 \ amplification of "making our name famous" in chapter i》
《諫諍 \ filial piety in relation to reproof and remonstrance》
《感應 \ the influence of filial piety and the response to it》
《事君 \ the service of the ruler》
《喪親 \ filial piety in mourning for parents》
墨子 \ Mozi (Mo-tzu) \ The Works of Mozi
道德經 \ Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) \ The Classic of the Way and its Virtue
莊子 \ Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) \ The Works of Zhuangzi
韓非子 \ Hanfeizi \ The Works of Han Feizi
孫子兵法 \ Sunzi Bingfa (Sun-tzu) \ The Art of War
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Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
孝經 \ Xiao Jing \ The Classic of Filial Piety
Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
孝經 \ Xiao Jing \ The Classic of Filial Piety
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